A Good Day in Seville
Started the day with a curtains/rugs/blinds and shelving project which meant a lot of tugging/sawing and hammering. Walter was in the kitchen going to town cleaning with the old boxes of Arm and Hammer baking soda in the sink. Finished jobs but probably could have used an hour more to complete more thoroughly, but had to get to work. Before I ran out the door Elizabeth and I sang happy birthday to each other and had coffee and slightly stale chocolate Pepperidge Farm cake. Spent first third of day at the workplace, pretty busy actually then escaped to attend matinee of the opera season opener Barber of Seville. Customary Dots were unfortunately sold out and I instead settled for a box of Lemonheads. You can't miss with Rossini and the stage designer used French surrealist, Rene Magritte as an inspiration. I've forgotten how if you eat a bunch of Lemonheads in a row it seems like you're chugging Lemonade, but I guess that's what they intended. Nice performance all around, I think Flying Dutchman is next month which is good because I haven't seen it yet. I hope they get Dots back in because Lemonheads are so much more cinema fare.