Full of Confidence
More China in Space..
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
McDonald's is still not very good
After work adventure to Campusland to buy some Meow Mix for the cat that lives with me. Along the way I see the local McDonald's I haven't been to in probably three years or so and decide why not give it a go for the evening food event. I decide to get value meal#2 which is two cheese burgers with fries and drink. The friendly girl taking my order asks if I want to "super size" it and after a brief period of indecision I decide to live large like the rest of America. As she works on getting my meal in order she tells me that there is a bomb at the gas station down the street, I laugh and downplay her concern, bomb scares seem to happen around here every few months. As she places the full tray in front of me I notice she has the forearm tattoos of a sailor, and that the "super sized drink" is something I could take laps around, oh, the fries portion is fuckin gigantic. However the two cheese burgers are the same little size they have always been. I grab my napkins, straw and pump three small ketchup cups and find a neutral place to sit. The food is what you would expect and warm, and I have way too much Coke to drink. They are busy the whole time I am there...people love McDonald's, no doubt about it. I manage to finish the small burgers and the multitude of fries but I pitched the reservoir of Coke in the garbage. I'm good for three more years till my next visit and on the way out notice no fleet of fire trucks and police so I guess the bomb was a fake.
After work adventure to Campusland to buy some Meow Mix for the cat that lives with me. Along the way I see the local McDonald's I haven't been to in probably three years or so and decide why not give it a go for the evening food event. I decide to get value meal#2 which is two cheese burgers with fries and drink. The friendly girl taking my order asks if I want to "super size" it and after a brief period of indecision I decide to live large like the rest of America. As she works on getting my meal in order she tells me that there is a bomb at the gas station down the street, I laugh and downplay her concern, bomb scares seem to happen around here every few months. As she places the full tray in front of me I notice she has the forearm tattoos of a sailor, and that the "super sized drink" is something I could take laps around, oh, the fries portion is fuckin gigantic. However the two cheese burgers are the same little size they have always been. I grab my napkins, straw and pump three small ketchup cups and find a neutral place to sit. The food is what you would expect and warm, and I have way too much Coke to drink. They are busy the whole time I am there...people love McDonald's, no doubt about it. I manage to finish the small burgers and the multitude of fries but I pitched the reservoir of Coke in the garbage. I'm good for three more years till my next visit and on the way out notice no fleet of fire trucks and police so I guess the bomb was a fake.
Monday, October 06, 2003
The Moon is Red
They have been dubbed "taikonauts" in English (pronounced locally Ty-Koo-Nawts). In Chinese, they are "yuhangyuan," or travelers of the universe.
They have been dubbed "taikonauts" in English (pronounced locally Ty-Koo-Nawts). In Chinese, they are "yuhangyuan," or travelers of the universe.