Monday, March 10, 2003

I watched some Mormon missionaries corner an arabic looking gentleman outside my place of work today. They held him captive for at least fifteen minutes or so, why can't they just give it up and stay out west.....
Work weekend, then again it's always a work weekend. Went to an experimental movie presentation with Richard and Jo last night at film makers. We were like three kids sharing our chocolate snacks and drinking our adult coffees before the start of the 16mm shorts. The older gentleman whose movies we were about to watch gave us a short lecture and then it started. I felt like I was in a class that I had somehow signed up for because I needed the "requirement." We watched a lot of bouncing black and white dots, outer space scenes, unbecoming library copying activities, family picnics, amateur poultry projects and saying good bye to loved ones. I caught Richard dozing off a few times and Jo looked at me and smiled, it was interesting, but I'm not an experimental movie guy. I think we're going to see more movies here soon, this is good because I need to see more movies in general, but not necessarily experimental ones. Oh, the man who made the movies is from originally from Ohio, but is now moving to China.