Thursday, July 03, 2003
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Have not posted for awhile, I have been very busy at work and all of my spare time has been taken up by the Acme Correspondence School of Boxing. Also, the Time Space Gun I purchased from Acme has given me soon problems, having me to call in sick from work for a few days, but everything is alright now, I just need to wear long sleeve shirts and gloves from now on. I've been seeing way to many Ohio license plates around lately, I realize that they are the next state over but this is ridiculous, the plates seem to be new and mark the 200th anniversary of statehood of Ohio...okokok..that's nice just move on, make room for some other states..just kidding..ha..did escape last weekend to Columbus for a special mission and met some very nice people who didn't ask me too many questions about my full sleeves and gloves, I was hoping to get a chance to use my new boxing skills but no Ohio ruffians accosted me. Columbus is nice, I plan to go back.