Surprise visit at work today by long ago acquaintance. Almost didn't recognize him because he looked like hell. Uncharacteristically long unkempt hair, loss of about 40 or so pounds, wild look in the eyes. Curiosity and concern made me ask if he wanted to step out for a quick coffee to yak to which he agreed. Moving from DC to the west coast two years ago for work apparently sucked the life out of him. As I sipped at my Grande Columbian blend I felt a few gears had broken off and some melded as he rambled on. It was not good to see someone who had it altogether seem so weird in a depressing way. Hopefully he'll be able to turn it around.
Playfully mocked by fellow co-workers for having real "stone fingers" on the keyboard. I never really noticed this before, because it never crossed my mind that I had weighty digital action. I guess I'm just not the delicate type..ho..ho.
Saturday, November 24, 2001
Friday, November 23, 2001
Thanksgiving went off without a hitch at the folks house yesterday. Each year some element of the meal is suspect by mom who cooked it. This time the gravy was too runny and the stuffing not seasoned right. I thought the gravy and stuffing were fine and I told her so, that's usually how it goes. Asked Dad for a roll and he playfully tosses it across the table in violation of all table manners. We laugh because after all no one is around but us. After dinner I'm drafted into a game of NASCAR Monopoly by the racing fans of the family, four hours later I gain a taxing victory over my youngest nephew who bet heavily on the NASCAR equivalant of Boardwalk and Parkplace, the little guy had me sweating bullets each time I went around the board till he started to land more on my tracks(properties). Sometimes staying safely in Monopoly jail while collecting rentals is a good thing. Later, near perfect pumpkin pie with coffee makes it all worthwhile. Same nephew who went the distance in monopoly wants to play some two player UNO, which we do for a bit before he leaves. Traditional late night turkey snacking with Mom while Dad again defies leftover convention with a hard salami sandwich and a beer.
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Coffee, muffin and the Times at the usual stop sitting at one corner. Behind me local tech suit and ties discuss the future of the city with big money numbers and words. Big money being offered for Bin Laden and the Afghan movie places are jamed. Unafiliated suit D shows up and is asked by suit A is he wants to meet the other players which I guess are suits B and C. They are pieces on a board that I don't care about. Off to work.