Saturday, March 23, 2002

Four Corronas, nice cheese and crackers at small farewell party for store going out of business. Store is a street institution that has been selling great international stuff for some 28 years...amazing operation...can't believe it's really will be missed. Owner is a truely great man who I will miss seeing on a daily bases...I wish him great luck with his upcoming writing and photography projects...I think whatever he does it will be just great...

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Stop that man with the razor.. he's really going to hurt himself this time....shower...shave(badly as usual..blood a common sight)..monkey suit...Dale coaches me on tie length..last minute ticket finds me at the opera to see Madama Butterfly. Packed house..have to confess to nodding off a bit in the first act despite fine vocals...slam down some needed coffee at intermission...more awake for act two..intense aria by Butterfly.. title of this piece escapes me now...story goes down hill for our gal who gives it all up at the end..large falling red drapery...

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Charles Mingus background for preworkout coffee..good...George Benson played at gym instead of regular techno inferno..good...unusual compliment given by other gym member for amount of poundage on lat pulldowns which really isn't that much in my opinion....nice...good...all in all good strong paced gym time with bis, back and legs...lots of cold rain on the walk back...not so good...probably will get collection of umbrellas never where I need them..what's with that?