Wednesday, February 27, 2002
An actual fax recieved at work today: This Shakin', Rockin' Rollin' Easter Bunny or chick, at the touch of a button, pops out of the highly decorated easter egg and begins to dance and sing. Rock to a licensed Easter version of the classic ZZ Top hit "She Got Leg's"....One FREE demonstration egg with each order(limit one per order)...Don't Miss Out on this Incredible Offer!..CALL NOW: 1-800-786-3456..I think this is the best fax ever sent to's nice to know we have a choice between an Easter Bunny or "chick"...Tall Man keeps the original motion picture soundtrack to "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" on near continual loop today as a few shady characters and tumbleweeds roll in and out of Dodge.
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
After a long phone conversation with someone I haven't talked to for about a year and a half I was interrogated by Dale. "Who was that"?..oh..just a friend who I haven't talked to for a long time..."Friends..your not allowed to have friends..friends are bad for you"....oh protective. Earlier in the day Dale informed me that for the past two years I have been the focus of his personality destruction/reformation procedures....well...that explains a few things.