Saturday, January 26, 2002
At work: Attack of the Mutants! High quotient of nutties out buying stuff. Bought a small stack of old 70's comics from some morlocks today mostly because they were books I read as a kid. Morlock quote: We didn't know you were here but we found you on the intermenet(yes that's right, intermenet). Lucky us, our sorryass abandoned site brings them to us, god bless the "intermenet". Late day encounter with know it all, short, musclebound, anti-semite fuck looking for chess set. Why do I suffer these people? When I saw that his t-shirt had the word "testosterone" on it I should have realized gears were missing.
Boss sprung for Pierogi lunch for troops on all fronts. Potato, cheese and potato, sauerkraut, sauerkraut and kielbasi, cottage cheese, cheese potato and jalapenos(jalapenos?) all backed up by Haluski(cabbage and noodles) and Galupki(cabbage rolls). Oh, and the pierogi(s)? were soaked in butter and onions. Everyone stuffed, everyone happy, any diet resolutions tossed to the side today. The ladies from Pierogi Shack(converted gas station into polish food take out) out did themselves and have been swamped with orders because of upcoming Stillers playoff parties. We have to do this again in a few weeks, absolutely incredible.