Friday, March 21, 2003

Crazy Woman with Axe
Morning coffee and cherry/almond muffin, joined again by the T-man, i grab quick glances of my favorite coffee people. We had to remove three doors to get that new fixture in for rearrangement number fourtyseven, it was a big rack to hold overflowing inventory. Only listened to wartime am radio for a bit, turned it off to pay attention to switching up our items for a new look, doubles and do nothings will go in the basement after i get lunch. Lunch is cranberry juice and a mozzerella sandwich, wolfboy sighting and encounter. Pushy and cute phone sales gal cuts through our barbwire and gets us to switch, the staff is so easily swayed by a smile, i guess we saved some money. Leave work a little early to don ape suite because it's an opera night. Don't shave and i take about fifteen minutes to get my red tie just right or right enough for me. Ride cuts it close time wise but after having to deal with a parking thug we make it as the curtain rips apart at the start of Richard Strauss' Elektra. Despite a valiant effort we started this one without our customary boxes of Dotts gum drops. Greek tragedy with a nice set, good voices and and a great score, no intermission so it was done in under two hours, good opera.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Why was he wearing three purple hearts on his army jacket, I not so sure about that. Hey, didn't he justrub my belly..what's that all about. Listen to am radio coverage of the Iraqi invasion all day at work, not a good day to be a Jordanian taxi driver in Bagdad. Marines and Army seem to be poised to strike hard unless the the Iraqi military throws the white flag. It seems the the most destructive military force on the planet, the United States Air Force hasn't really yet started for the same reasons. The next few days should be interesting and tense. Anti-war rally started downtown late afternoon and ended in mass arrests by eight or so, we will be seeing more of this I'm sure, especially here on campus. When giving weather reports the radio news have added Bagdad and Kuwait City to the list, it has become an immediate matter. Chicken Lo Mein and green tea for dinner.
Trying to get work done at coffee shop when T asks if he can sit at my table, of course I say yes. I put away my papers and pen and listen to T talk about war and what could happen in the next few days. I listen, he paints some horrifing pictures for here and abroad. Professional woman sitting next to us who is obviously listening is visibly uncomfortable with T's outlook. I listen, look at some of my favorite coffee shop folk and take it in. I soon leave to finish my immediate work and continue a normal day while thinking how frantic things are on the other side of the world.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Just spent some time with Colonel Dax and the spent men of the 701st regiment as they were ordered to take "The Anthill." Saw Paths of Glory for the first time, poignant anti-war film. Effective photography and Kirk Douglas was outstanding.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Yes, I am getting sick and fast. Just back from coffee shop where the nice boy let me buy a premium orange juice. I'm also very sore from yesterday's gym visit, triceps are aching alot. I think i should go right to bed, right now....sniff..
Today an oversized leprechaun gave me a gold coin and a firm handshake. Very nice weather, lacrosse players practicing, bagpipes heard from a distance...I think I'm catching the first of my spring colds though...sniff...
About two hundred anti-war protesters marched down my street today, the next few days should be interesting........