Friday, March 21, 2003

Crazy Woman with Axe
Morning coffee and cherry/almond muffin, joined again by the T-man, i grab quick glances of my favorite coffee people. We had to remove three doors to get that new fixture in for rearrangement number fourtyseven, it was a big rack to hold overflowing inventory. Only listened to wartime am radio for a bit, turned it off to pay attention to switching up our items for a new look, doubles and do nothings will go in the basement after i get lunch. Lunch is cranberry juice and a mozzerella sandwich, wolfboy sighting and encounter. Pushy and cute phone sales gal cuts through our barbwire and gets us to switch, the staff is so easily swayed by a smile, i guess we saved some money. Leave work a little early to don ape suite because it's an opera night. Don't shave and i take about fifteen minutes to get my red tie just right or right enough for me. Ride cuts it close time wise but after having to deal with a parking thug we make it as the curtain rips apart at the start of Richard Strauss' Elektra. Despite a valiant effort we started this one without our customary boxes of Dotts gum drops. Greek tragedy with a nice set, good voices and and a great score, no intermission so it was done in under two hours, good opera.

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