Saturday, December 01, 2001

Today is worlds AIDS awareness day think and link and I'm not really sure if anyone is really listening. The world has had so many problems it seems that most are forgotten about in the winds of time. I have no personal stories to tell but I know that each day thousands of people are lost to this condition. The resources available to mankind are formidable but the wisdom to use them are scarce. So many bright lights are lost to our sight, may peace be with them.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

On a suggestion from a friend I spent tonight watching Junkyard Wars on the Learning Channel. Tonight happened to be the two hour Mega World Championship pitting three national teams in semi-serious mechanical competition. Team Raptor from the US was comprised of a group of Lockheed/Martin combat aircraft engineers from their sorta secret Skunk works. Team Bulldog was made up some British army engineers and team Bear seemed to be manned by some mechanically inclined Russians plus a rouge German. Each team had free reign to pick from a huge junkyard and 16 hours to create a vehicle that would win a straight up sand flats race, a rocky rough terrain race, and mile long water race. The Americans were able to pull off a solid victory with little drama( they had to paddle through much of the water race). The show was fairly amusing and I'd probably watch it again.

Monday, November 26, 2001

I really think the big headed blue alien Walkman commercials are brilliant and very funny.
It took two days but I think I've recovered from the Saturday night house warming party. Well attended by punk and metal boyz and grrlls and the rest of us less exciting folk. Furious billiards and pinball in the metal basement as much license was taken in the games of 8-ball. Hip hop first floor meant serious booze and food while dodging the darts masters. I continue my eating rampage that started last Thursday, there is no turning back. The allure of the T-angle bar battleship hoagie at 1:30 a.m. is undeniable. All through the night I watched the pocket Etch A Sketch make its rounds on both floors as the official toy of the evening. At about 2:30 I'm cornered by the man of the house for a few shots of JD, he's really gone. I don't drink but I go through with it for male bonding sake and at least it good whiskey. The carpool leaves at around 4:00 as we drag Dom from his Nintendo baseball game.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Tough going getting up after last nights thang...sleep friendly cool rainy weather doesn't help either..zombie lurch to the HOT sprinkly water chamber...feeling good. Grande Kenyan and cran muf to go as I rapidly advance to work. I think this will be a good day.