Friday, December 07, 2001

If I were a work of art, I would be Piet Mondrian's Composition A.

I am rigidly organised and regimented, although my cold and unapproachable exterior hides a clever way of thinking and a rebellious and innovative nature. A lot of people don't understand me, but I can still affect them on an emotional level.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

I'm not so sure about the organised and cold part, but I could live with being this piece of art..

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

Really too nice for December 5th here, temp probably in the mid 70's all day long. No need for jackets just wear the t-shirts. Last year at this time I think we were freezing to death. This won't last long, and boy we will pay come Jan/Feb. Burr..I can feel it already.
Today a co-worker took me aside and said he wanted to talk in private about something before noon. It sounded somewhat ominous so I broke away as soon as I got a chance to see what was up. No one else around he walks to the back room and brings back a Tupperware container full of Kluski(Polish noodles). His mother had made the noodles for him this morning and he knew that I would react very favorable to getting some. I sneaked him some Golabki(Cabbage rolls) about a month ago, also mom made. Why the secrecy? We are probably the only ones who like this stuff and there isn't enough to go around anyway. So for now its a clandestine eastern European lunch club. That's right, the CEELC is closed to us cabbage kids or anyone else who can at least bring some kielbasa or Mrs T's Pierogies to the table.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

You send the boy to college and he first wants to study engineering, fine, thats great. Two years later he switches to the theology dept instead, I don't care, I talked to the wife and whatever makes him happy. We don't see him for a semester and then we start getting crazy postcards from Pakistan. Next thing you know we see our boy on CNN fighting for the Taliban, kids these days, I don't understand he was such a nice quite boy----just my take on the 20 year old American fighting for the Taliban as seen on CNN. It just gets stranger and stranger.

Monday, December 03, 2001

The old lady grabbed tight to my jacket sleeve telling me she needed my help to cross because of her bad eyesight. She seemed to come out of nowhere. I told to hold on and we'll cross when it's safe. Being a busy street at noon downtown it took awhile, she turned to me and said, "your real patient..I wish I could be that patient". I just laughed real hard and she started to laugh too. Walking away I admired the Christmas circus theme windows of the large department store trying hard for good holiday sales.