Wednesday, March 06, 2002

I just got back from visiting the Lobster Man's villa. I brought along some Somoas girl scout cookies to hopefuly make a non-verbal friendship offering, but all lights were out, with no LM to be seen...I guess he must be sleeping. Sleep Lobster Man sleep.....

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Lost a fast and furious session of the Milk and Cheese boardgame to Dale while on break. Victory was mine till Lady Luck spat on me at the last moment...MERVE GRIFFIN!!!!
Just got back from seeing the Lobster Man's house in progress at CMU campus. Talked briefly with his sister about his project, I think it a pretty great idea. Apparently some dunderheads tried to mess his place up over the weekend. Sis yelled up to her Lobster brother that I would be looking about and it was a few distant glimpses of the Lobster himself shuffling around doing stuff.